Assalamu 'Alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh
Belum sehari berlalu saat post-an terakhir teman-teman baca, sudah keluar lagi ketikan-ketikan informasi ini untuk teman-teman semua. Kali ini saya membagi pengetahuan ke teman-teman yang bukan merupakan karangan saya, karena ini merupakan sebuah buku, ebook tepatnya, buat teman-teman yang ingin bangkit dari segala hal yang membuat teman-teman sempat down, ada sedikit rasa putus asa atau pun merasa tertekan oleh suatu rutinitas yang membosankan. Buku ini adalah buku best seller di banyak toko buku di seluruh dunia,,,,,,,,,, Jeng.... Jeng.... Jeng..... Jeng..... inilah "The Secret".
Bagi yang masih asing, buku The secret ini merupakan buku yang sangat inspiratif untuk kalian teman-teman, karena saya tidak mampu mendeskripsikannya untuk teman-teman, jadi saya sedikit menyematkan kata-kata inspiratif dari seorang Lisa Nichols "Anda adalah perancang takdir Anda sendiri. Anda adalah pengarang. Anda menulis kisah Anda. Penanya adalah tangan Anda, dan hasilnya adalah apa pun yang Anda pilih."
Link downloadnya ada dibawah, sebelum di download, like dulu yah,, atau gak dishare, atau gak dicomment, kalau boleh si, dilike, share dan comment ajah sekalian, heheheheh
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Jumat, 29 Maret 2013
Solve your error keyboards problem
English Version
Hey Information hunter, how you doing guys ? I would like to share something i know, keep reading and concentration, "JK", just relax and read this stuff.
In our daily live, we always get interaction with this gadget, with LCD, webcam, that we can fold this thing, no,, not smartphone, don't you see the picture,, yeah, that's it, Laptop.
The interaction between us and this portable gadget, never loose with one of its component, that we can type our work with it, ,,,,, correct, that's keyboard, a hardware of our laptop that adhere with our laptop. This chronic hardware is really-really important for the typer, "i classified you with that call", but sometime we got a trouble with this thing, because maybe our friend type something that make our keyboard error, in my case the keyboard that I type m, j, k, l, u, i, o, p, 7, 8, and 9 becoming 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, *, 7, 8, and 9, "how could it be ?".
True story, that time when my uncle come from my born city Pinrang ( a regency north way from Makassar city, maybe about 117 mile from it ), after take a nap he take his laptop and gave it to me while saying " can you repair this laptop?" then i said "what's wrong ?", he said that the x and up arrow button is broken because of my little cousin that played with it before. I think that easy to repaired it because just put it on its place and everything was done, but when i told him than the keyboard had finished, he said that the main problem was not that. The problem was when he typed the p button on the screen showed " * ". Hmmmm, with little bit nervous, I repair it again. After minutes gone, finally i solve the problem, I fix it. That I type everything that i had to type, mix it between two or three button on the keyboard, that was not useless, that increase my knowledge.
The key passes are I push and hold the Fn (Function) button and the Numblock button in the same time and when I push the P button, it shows the P letter on the screen, Done it, i said. if it is not working at the first time, repeat it again, til your keyboard works again. " if you repeat the process don't forget to test it before you push the Fn and Numblock again".
That's it from me for this time, i hope you continue to read another of my article, that can solve our problem. If you had it, you can comment it and we can solve it together and if i get the solution, I will type and share it on this blog,, OK. Thanks for reading... don't forget to comment
Hey Information hunter, how you doing guys ? I would like to share something i know, keep reading and concentration, "JK", just relax and read this stuff.
In our daily live, we always get interaction with this gadget, with LCD, webcam, that we can fold this thing, no,, not smartphone, don't you see the picture,, yeah, that's it, Laptop.
The interaction between us and this portable gadget, never loose with one of its component, that we can type our work with it, ,,,,, correct, that's keyboard, a hardware of our laptop that adhere with our laptop. This chronic hardware is really-really important for the typer, "i classified you with that call", but sometime we got a trouble with this thing, because maybe our friend type something that make our keyboard error, in my case the keyboard that I type m, j, k, l, u, i, o, p, 7, 8, and 9 becoming 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, *, 7, 8, and 9, "how could it be ?".
True story, that time when my uncle come from my born city Pinrang ( a regency north way from Makassar city, maybe about 117 mile from it ), after take a nap he take his laptop and gave it to me while saying " can you repair this laptop?" then i said "what's wrong ?", he said that the x and up arrow button is broken because of my little cousin that played with it before. I think that easy to repaired it because just put it on its place and everything was done, but when i told him than the keyboard had finished, he said that the main problem was not that. The problem was when he typed the p button on the screen showed " * ". Hmmmm, with little bit nervous, I repair it again. After minutes gone, finally i solve the problem, I fix it. That I type everything that i had to type, mix it between two or three button on the keyboard, that was not useless, that increase my knowledge.
The key passes are I push and hold the Fn (Function) button and the Numblock button in the same time and when I push the P button, it shows the P letter on the screen, Done it, i said. if it is not working at the first time, repeat it again, til your keyboard works again. " if you repeat the process don't forget to test it before you push the Fn and Numblock again".
That's it from me for this time, i hope you continue to read another of my article, that can solve our problem. If you had it, you can comment it and we can solve it together and if i get the solution, I will type and share it on this blog,, OK. Thanks for reading... don't forget to comment
Memperbaiki keyboard laptop anda yang eror
Assalamu 'Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Dalam keseharian kita yang kita jalani sehari-hari, biasanya kita dihadapkan pada suatu gadget komputer yang dirombak biar bisa dimasukin tas, yang biasa disebut laptop, notebook, netbook, atau apapun sebutan bagi komputer jinjing.
Interaksi kita dengan benda portable ini tak lepas dari salah satu komponen yang wajib di sematkan, yaitu keyboard. "keyboard ? ya iyalah, keyboard pasti ada di laptop, kalau gak ada, bukan keyboard namanya". Komponen yang satu ini merupakan komponen yang penting buat para ketikers, terutama para penulis, and mahasiswa tentunya.
Tapi seringkali kesalahan kecil yang kita maupun orang disekitar kita lakukan terhadap laptop kesayangan kita yang menyebabkan keyboard kita tiba-tiba eror, dalam kasus saya, saat mencet huruf "m, j, k, l, u, i, o, 7, 8,dan 9", yang terketik malah "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,dan 9" kok bisa ???. True story "waktu itu pamanku datang dari Pinrang (salah satu kabupaten di utara kota makassar, sekitar 187 km dari kota makassar), setelah istirahat sebentar dia langsung nunjukin ke saya kalau laptopnya tu bermasalah, tombol "x, dan arah panah atasnya lompat dari laptopnya". setelah sempat terperangah, (masang muka bego'), dia jelasin kalau anaknya yang masih kecil "Zahra", main piano sambil nangis dengan pelampiasan keyboary laptopnya pamanku, untungnya erornya cuman stadium 4.
setelah ku eksekusi dengan modal keberanian doang, al hasil selesai dengan mudah, sambil sedikit sombong "nih, paman udah, terus dia nanya, "fungsi keyboard k-nya udah gak jadi nomor 2 kan ?", trus aku mikir "aduh, kok bisa?" terus aku nanya ajah, kok bisa ? dia jawab, "gak tau, kemarin adikmu mencet-mencet gitu sampai akhirnya kayak gini". Hmmm dengan penuh rasa gugup, ku eksekusi ajah, al hasil, setelah mencet sana-sini, sudut-sidit, kombinasiin 2 sampai tiga tombol, akhirnya berhasil juga, caranya lihat ajah di baris baru berikut.
Caranya mudah ajah kok, pertama pencet dan tahan tombol Fn (function) dibarengi dengan tombol NumbLock, Insya Allah berhasil, kalau gak berhasil, ulangi proses diatas sampai berhasil. Jangan lupa, setelah dipencet, dicoba dulu.
Ya, itulah sedikit informasi buat teman-teman, Insya Allah bermanfaat, buat teman-teman yang pingin dibantu menyelesaikan masalahnya, apapun itu, bisa dipostkan di komentar, kalau sempat, kita selesaikan bareng dan Insya Allah saya akan share di Blog ini. Thank you so much for reading, Wassalam
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